The Yuuzhan Vong war

Star Wars Invasion is a five parts comic book setting in the New Jedi Order era, 25 years after the battle of Yavin, this is the Yuuzhan Vong who's depicted, and it's great! Written by Tom Taylor, who describe very cool plots and nice characters, and illustrated by Colin Wilson (SWLegacy). Great period, nice pictures and story, it's a good Star Wars sequence!


KiEra said...

you're always my favorite nerdy boy.

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Continue the wonderful work!

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Loren said...

great saga, I love the design of the Vong's ships.

The Ragnarok said...

I was not convinced... but you're a master of the Force, and you convince me!

Parangon said...

don't like Yuuzhan Vong, they're rude with my rodian smuggler!