Drew... I'm in love!

Yeah boys, it's Drew with Juliette Lewis... No, it's not a dream! It was during a prom date for Whip it, excellent movie with rolla derby girls, camin' from the 80's! The movie is pretty cool, it's the first Drew movie and honestly, it's a great and nice job! During the night, she drummin' not so bad, JLewis sing, of course, it was a cool night!


Aurélie said...

Je suis amoureuse de Drew et jalouse de toi. Je trouve cette femme superbe, et c'est une bonne actrice de surcroît.

The Ragnarok said...

I believe you! drew is a very funny actress!

Abigaïl said...

Elle est géniale cette nana je l'adore! ^^

Sutheira said...

I looooooooooooooooooooooooove Drew!!! I'm deny men for a kiss of her!

thenolian world said...

Drew is so hot, I love her even in the spielberg movie with the little poo!

Xi said...

I love whip it, it's a damn cool movie for girls!!!

BRinKo said...

whip it is such a soooo good movie!!! I love helen paige and drew, of course!