The Caprica pilot takes place 58 years before the Battlestar Galactica miniseries. It follows the lives of two families, the Graystones and the Adamas (the family of William Adama). A startling development occurs by the end of the pilot — the creation of the first cybernetic life-form node or "Cylon".
The Graystone family includes the father Daniel and mother Amanda, a computer scientist and surgeon respectively. When their daughter Zoe dies due to the religious fanaticism of her boyfriend, Ben Stark, her father manages to resurrect her — after a fashion. Already having acquired a digital clone of her personality developed by Zoe herself, he uses stolen technology to create a robotic version of his daughter, the first step towards creating the Cylon race.
The same terrorist attack claims the lives of Joseph Adama's wife Shannon and daughter Tamara. Together with Daniel Graystone he initially works on bringing back their children, but is appalled at his partner's methods and ethics. However, as a result of this tragedy, he grows closer to his eleven-year old son William.
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it's a great spin off, one of the rarest who's equal to the main show!
I like the girl! she's brunette, so, she's sexy!
it's less interesting than I hope, but it's good!
main actress is very sexy, I love her style!
the young girl pleased my aesthetic sense of beauty. like the show to.
I'm in BSG season 4, so, it's to early for me!!!
this is not for me, you know big bang theory, that it's a good tv show!
a sexy girl with apple, that an image I like.
I love this show, it's more interesting for me than the huge four seasoned one.
like brinko said, girl with apple = Hooot!
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